
Principal Investigator: Pablo V. Gejman, MD, NorthShore University HealthSystem (NUH), Evanston, IL, USA MeSH: Schizophrenia The goal of the study is to find susceptibility genes for schizophrenia. *Dataset versioning* - Version 1: European-American (EA) ancestry only - Version 2: Version 1 plus African-American (AA) ancestry *Consent groups and participant set* - General research use (GRU): 4591 cases and controls (1217 EA cases, 1442 EA controls, 953 AA cases, 979 AA controls) This consent group includes a subset of schizophrenia cases and all controls (which overlap with Bipolar study controls in Bipolar: GRU dataset). - Schizophrenia and related disorders (SARC): 475 cases (187 EA cases, 288 AA cases) This consent group includes a subset of schizophrenia cases.



  1. 25/07/22 25/07/22 - Adrian Schulz
  2. 25/07/22 25/07/22 - Martin Dugas
  3. 12/10/22 12/10/22 - Adrian Schulz
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Pablo V. Gejman, MD, NorthShore University HealthSystem (NUH), Evanston, IL, USA

Caricato su

25 luglio 2022


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Creative Commons BY 4.0

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dbGaP phs000021 Genome-Wide Association Study of Schizophrenia

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